What is Ayurveda ?


Ayurveda is the oldest system of medicine in the world. The word “Ayurveda” comes from two Sanskrit words, “Ayu” which means life and “Veda” which means knowledge or science. So Ayurveda literally means the science of life.

The basis of Ayurvedic medicine is its understanding of the human body as an integrated whole composed of five basic elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether (space). These five elements are present in different proportions in each person depending on one's genetic makeup and environment.

Each individual has a unique constitution that determines their strengths and weaknesses as well as their potential disease susceptibility based on their genetic makeup. There are three main types of doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. 

Understanding your dosha is the root of Ayurvedic medicine. These energies are what make us who we are, and they're also the foundation of how we see the world. Do you know what your constitution is? What is your dominant dosha? 

Our constitution quiz will help you determine your unique combination of all three doshas. It is a deep detailed quiz with 60 questions. Based on your results, we can built your Ayurvedic daily routines to help you balance your health and symptoms.

Click on the quiz icon in the top or click here.


If you interested just in simple quiz, to determine your dominant Dosha, tap on the side tab for Dosha quiz.





Vata dosha

Vata dosha, also known as the “wind element,” is responsible for movement in the body. It governs the nervous and skeletal systems, as well as the circulatory and digestive systems. Vata dosha is composed of air and ether elements. In Ayurveda, vata dosha is associated with dryness, coldness and lightness. The qualities of vata are changeability, flexibility, mobility and instability.

Vata people are typically thin and have trouble to gaining weight. Their bodies are usually narrow in the shoulders and hips and their joints often make a cracking noise when they move them. They tend to be fidgety.

Vata people are dry, their skin and lips usually chap easily. Their hair tends to be coarse, dry, thin and curly. Vata people suffer from cold and poor circulation, they often have cold hands and feet. They sweat little and love to be out in the sun.

Their appetite is irregular, excessive hunger on one day may be followed by disinterest in food the next. They can become dizzy or faint if they skip a meal. Their bodies do not store enough energy to carry them through long periods of food deprivation. They often suffer from constipation, bloating and gas.

Their energy level rapidly fluctuates, coming in spurts or bursts. They try to sustain this energy with stimulants like coffee rather than admit to themselves that they are tired and need to rest. Vata people often have difficulty with sleep. They may have trouble to fall asleep or staying asleep. Their dreams are fast paced, often about flying, running, or being pursued by someone or something.

Vata people tend to feel pain more intensely than other types, their drive to avoid pain may manifest as fear. Under stress they get nervous and anxious. Their nervous system seems to have less insulation, they are quick to react, loud noise is also less tolerable to them. They are very mentally alert and active. They also tend to be creative, imaginative and artistic.


Pitta dosha

Pitta dosha, or the fire element, is a combination of the qualities of fire and water elements. It is responsible for digestion and metabolism. It helps you process food into energy, absorb nutrients and eliminate waste products from your body.

Pitta people are medium in height, weight and endurance. Their skin is usually light in color and reddens quickly in the sun, after excercise or when blushing. They sunburn easily and usually have plenty of freckles and moles. Their skin is prone to get rashes, eczema or acne. Everyone with natural red hair is at least partly Pitta.

Pitta people sweat easily because of all the heat they store inside. They love all foods and usually digest food very well.. They have tendency to loose stools and are rarely constipated. However they may experience acid reflux or heartburn if they eat too many spicy foods. Pitta people can get ravenous if they skip a meal or dinner is delayed.

Pitta people usually sleep well, wake up in the morning alert and ready to go. Their dreams often involve some fiery elements, like argument, violence or war. 

Pitta people are generally hardworking, ambitious and competitive in nature with a strong sense of self-worth as well as a need to achieve success in life. They apply the same intensity and competitiveness to everything they do, in work or play.  They have excellent capability for learning, understanding, and concentrating. They are highly disciplined and excellent leaders. However, they tend to become quickly impatient around slower or less focused individuals, judgmental, critical, perfectionist, and tend to become angry easily. 



Kapha dosha

Kapha is the dosha associated with the water and earth element. It is responsible for structure, stability and strength in the body. Kaphas tend to be heavier than other types of people; they have a large frame with broad shoulders, a wide chest and large bones. They can gain weight just by looking at food when neglecting exercise. They do not feel the intense physical hunger, but they can become atteched to food as a means of emotional fulfillment. They love eating, sitting, doing nothing and sleeping for a long time.

Their skin is usually smooth, thick,oily and cool to touch;  their hair is generally very dense, dark, wavy and  with a polished look.

Kapha dosha, the structural principal in the body, brings stability and steadiness. It provides the physical strength and stamina. Kaphas are considered fortunate in Ayurveda because as a rule they enjoy sound health. Their personalities express a serene and happy view of the world.

People with Kapha dosha are likely to be more grounded, stable and steady than other people. They also tend to be more patient and tolerant of others, which makes them excellent friends to have. They have good memory, a deep melodious voice, and a monotonous pattern of speech. 

Kapha people are prone to excess mucus production and congestion in the nose, sinuses or chest, asthma, water retention, letargy, slow digestion, slugishness, greedines and depression. 

All in all, the healthy balanced Kapha individual is endowed with excellent strenght, knowledge, peace, love, and longevity, due to a strong constitution.

