Embrace Your Dosha

Sep 20, 2023


The word "dosha" is often used in the West to describe someone's personality, but it actually refers to three different energetic bodies in Ayurveda. Each person has one dominant dosha that makes up about 60% of their body's constitution. When one of these doshas becomes too strong, it can put stress on other doshas in the system and cause imbalances, which manifest in different ways per individual. The best way to keep your body healthy is to know what works best for your specific type! Take our Dosha quizz to determine your ayurvedic constitution.

Doshas are three energetic bodies in Ayurveda.

Ayurveda is a system of medicine that originated in India. It's based on the idea that health and wellness are dependent on keeping your body in balance, and it divides people into three doshas: Vata (air), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (water).

Each dosha has its own qualities: Vata is light and fast-moving; Pitta is warm, sharp and intense; Kapha is heavy, dense and slow-moving. All three have their positive sides as well as negative ones--you can't just think of them as "good" or "bad." But if you have too much of one type of energy for too long without balancing it out with some other kind(s), problems will arise.

Vata dosha is associated with movement and air.

Vata is associated with movement and air. This dosha is responsible for metabolism, digestion and body temperature. It also controls the nervous system and brain, which makes sense if you think about how vata has an influence on your ability to move efficiently through space (think of walking) or process information quickly (think of thinking).

Vata governs the movement of energy in the body; this helps explain why many people feel like their body doesn't have enough energy when they're low on sleep or overexerting themselves physically or mentally.

Pitta dosha is responsible for metabolism, digestion and body temperature.

Pitta dosha is associated with fire and water. It's responsible for metabolism, digestion and body temperature. The balancing force between vata and kapha dosha, pitta governs all metabolic processes in the body such as digestion (and absorption), blood circulation and skin health.

Kapha dosha is responsible for lubrication, lubrication and structure of body tissue.

Kapha dosha is responsible for lubrication, lubrication and structure of body tissue. Kapha body types are generally heavy and can have a tendency to gain weight. They have thick, oily skin and tend to be very strong in the lower extremities. Kapha people tend to have high blood pressure, so it’s important for them to stay active.

Each person has one dominant dosha that makes up about 60% of the body's constitution.

Each person has one dominant dosha that makes up about 60% of the body's constitution. The two other doshas make up the remaining 40%. Vata is the easiest to be disturbed and be out of balance, but pitta and kapha are also common.

In this article, we will discuss how each dosha can affect your health and what you can do to maintain a healthy balance in all three doshas.

When one of these doshas becomes too strong, it can put stress on other doshas in the system and cause imbalances, which manifest in different ways per individual.

When one of these doshas becomes too strong, it can put stress on other doshas in the system and cause imbalances, which manifest in different ways per individual.

There are many ways to keep your dosha in balance: diet, exercise and lifestyle choices (like meditation) tend to be more effective for some than others based on their nature as either vata or kapha. A good rule of thumb is that if you're doing something to nurture one dosha while neglecting another, then you're likely not achieving balance at all--and this can lead to health issues down the line.

The best way to keep your body healthy is to know what works best for your specific type!

The best way to keep your body healthy is to know what works best for your specific type!

There are three main doshas in Ayurveda: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each person has a combination of these three characteristics (they can be high or low) which will determine their body type. Take our quizz to determine your main dosha. The next step is to figure out what kind of lifestyle you lead and how it affects your dosha(s). Once you know this information, it will be easier to make decisions about what diet plan works best for your daily needs as well as long term goals like losing weight or gaining muscle mass.


As we've seen, it's important to know what works best for your body. The best way to do this is by keeping track of your symptoms and how they change over time. If you want to try Ayurveda but aren't sure where to start, check out our program on getting started with Ayurveda!